Collaborate with the commercial team of the Spain and Europe the iSM teams to develop new point•of•sale advertising strategies that align with objectives. ? Identify opportunities, together with iSM, to undertake creative and impactful offline advertising campaigns. ? Oversee the execution of advertising campaigns in stores, including the placement of advertising materials. ? Ensure that offline campaigns are executed on time and in accordance with the established deadlines. ? Collaborate with iSM on strategies for new advertising formats that complement current advertising campaigns. ? Ensure that advertising materials are seamlessly integrated inside and outside the stores. ? Follow up with iSM for the production and implementation of offline campaigns, minimizing any incidents as much as possible. ? Communicate with different areas of Headquarters, centers, and iSM to resolve potential incidents related to campaigns across various offline formats. ? Validate the creatives of the campaigns negotiated by iSM in their planning platform (HUB). ? Send campaign scheduling orders biweekly to the different brands (Hyper/Market) through Company´s internal store management portal (PGT). ? Coordinate with iSM the planning and issuance of campaigns across all digital screen circuits for proper implementation.
English French optional Experience in retail media
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